His faithfulness is unceasing and His love too great to comprehend. Where He so greatly desired to make a way of hope and life and future for His broken creation who had turned away from Him; still He refused to turn away from us.
Where the consequence of our turning away from our Creator required our own death and separation from God for an eternity; in His great love for us He would not abandon the work of His hands. The requirement for death only a man would suffice, and He willingly Set aside His Own Son, Jesus, who is God and equal to God in every way, and was with God in the beginning in the formation of every detail of this great earth and also of mankind. By Sending Jesus from His exalted place, down to earth to be born as a man, was the only way. His mission has remained the same, to redeem all mankind to Himself, to know the depth of His Love, True Life and an eternity with Him, for ALL who believe.
With Every Breath, I Will Praise the Lord
With the Spirit at move in me, I began a journey to the mission field in faith. I went to Bible College, and 5 years later came out with a BA in Intercultural Studies and Leadership Development. Soon after I applied to SEND International as career Missionary to Spain. I committed myself to the task of raising a team around me for 2 years with Gods help, that would encourage me, pray for me, and send me to the mission field. Over that time, the Lord stretched me and encouraged me in a powerful way, however as my departure date approached, I reached a barrier. Not only was I short financially the full requirement to go, but a bump in the road shook our local family business that drained the 20% of my pledges that came from my family. I dropped from 75% of support to 55%. I not only had to rebuild my lot, but I felt compelled that the Lord was leading me and stalling me in this delay.
With so much much prayer and guidance from others around me, I was confident in the delay; the leading of the Spirit had confirmed in my heart His providence in not yet going to Spain.
I began this blog as journey to Spain where the Spirit had been leading me; and now continue it as a journey still with the Spirit of the Lord who redirects my path from Spain but still in His Mission to redeem nations to Him as He moves through me. This is the story of my life that He is still writing.
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