Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Breathtaking Encouragement: A note from my dad

A Tribute to my Daughter: Melissa Kelly Bartel

As I sit down today after spending time with my daughter yesterday listening to her future plans, as she prepares now, to go into Spain as a full time missionary, many memories from her childhood come to mind. I thank God for such a beautiful and special godly daughter. All the joy & inspiration and the godly example she has always given me and to everyone around her, she has truly made a mark on all of us; to our immediate family and extended family and any one that has known her. Her passion and commitment to serve the Lord stems from an early age, living a godly life, never wavering, all these years, into young adult life. She has truly stood out, as a godly woman, and taken the lead always.

I remember even as a small child, age maybe 8 or 9 years old -while we still lived on a small ranch in Alberta, and there were two other young families who lived there as well- how she would read little to the two little neighbors girls Bible stories, and share with them about Jesus. She had evangelizing skills than and shared freely with passion. How she would readily go to the front of the little Cowboy Church we were attending and share & sing regularly on Sundays. How she participated in a prayer time at school later in High School, and how she was actively involved in the Youth Group and sharing with other students. Later attending church in Calgary, and serving regularly in the Youth group, and than later going to Bible School, always with a passion to serve and witness freely to any one around.  

I see now how God’s hand was on her, and how he was preparing her, for a time like this, where she is now making preparations to go into the Mission field as a long term Missionary. Her desire and devotion and commitment to go into the Mission Field has been a dream of hers for so many years, and to now see it all maybe come to fruition soon, brings so much joy to me.

I some times wonder where she got all the passion from to serve the LORD, and how God got to a little girl like this, from such a very early age, and how he made Himself known to her, that God was the most important part of her life. I know her grandparents; my parents had an impact on her, as they lived a very godly life, and were truly an example, living a Christian life. But we were a long ways away from them, and really only visited them regularly maybe once or twice a year, so I know that GOD did something special here. I think of all the children of my parents and all the grand children, and few have lived such an extraordinary life from an early age all the way through adult hood with such a passion to serve the Lord and evangelize to the people and friends around them, on a consistent basis, and have such an impact with people that came in contact with them, and that would be willing to freely drop everything to go into the Mission field as a long term Missionary, using a lot of her own resources to go.  She is truly, truly amazing.  I know that God’s hand is on her, and truly has a calling on her life in this direction. That is evident to any body that knows her, and has spent time with her.

I remember the times I was in difficulty and how she would always leave and or share Bible verses for encouragement. And I know that has been the case with many people that have known her. It is said that Evangelism is effective the most from first building relationships, and being an example yourself to the people around you.  She has definitely impacted the people’s lives around her that knew her. God be with you as you go to Spain, Melissa… And I know God will use you in an extraordinary way. 
Love Dad.

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